Enhance Your Agricultural Success with SoilPoint's Customized Solutions for Optimal Growth and Savings

50 - 75%

Humate purity¹

≥ 50%

NPK savings²

+15 - 20%

Increase in crop yields³

2.19 kg

CO2 reduction per kg used⁴

Natural Humic-Based Soil Booster

SoilPoint Soil Booster, derived from the natural decay of plant and animal materials, is an ultra-pure, organic humic-based soil conditioner found in prehistoric deposits, crucial for healthy soils.

Humic matter forms through the chemical and biological breakdown of plant and animal matter and microbial activities. Humic and fulvic substances, complex molecules found naturally in soils, oceans, and freshwaters, are best sourced from lignite coal.

Restore Soil Nutrients Naturally

Humus contains 87 different minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids. Unlike liquid humic products that filter out essential, non-water-soluble minerals like iron, SoilPoint retains all these critical nutrients.

Our minimally intrusive production process preserves all natural elements, enhancing overall plant nutrition, optimizing nutrient use efficiency, and supporting nutrient uptake. SoilPoint Soil Booster is pure humus with all its natural components intact.


Achieve Exceptional Yields

Unlock the true potential of your soil with SoilPoint's cutting-edge humic technology. Our innovative solutions ensure maximum nutrient absorption and superior crop performance.

Discover Your Free Custom Plan

Provide Nutrients Naturally

The over-use of chemical and synthetic NPK fertilizers over many years has depleted soils of its natural nutrients. This has resulted in dramatic reductions of the nutritional values of the foods harvested from those weakened soils. This negatively affects everyone’s diet and health, and disproportionately more so in the poor or under developed countries throughout the world. SoilPoint Soil Booster, with its high concentration of natural humic and the 87 different minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids naturally contained within humus help restore the soil so that the foods produced have a much higher concentration of nutrients.

Many of our competing humic products are offered in liquid form, even though several critical minerals, like iron, zinc and others are not water soluble. Therefore, they filter out a lot of the minerals that are critical to a healthy soil. Our soil booster improves overall plant nutrition, optimizes nutrient use efficiency, and supports nutrient uptake. SoilPoint's SoilBooster is just humus, with all its natural elements left intact. 

SoilPoint has a humic blend concentration of up to 50-75%. Our production process grinds the particles down to a microscopic dust particle, allowing it to retain all the natural minerals and vitamins contained in the raw material. The particles are small enough to effectively flow through irrigation systems, trailered drums, or backpack sprayers.

Innovative Production Technology

High Purity: 50-75% pure granular humates, compared to 10-20% in other products.

Soil Microbiology: Builds and maintains soil health naturally, without harmful chemicals.

Irrigation Ready: Small particles flow effectively through various irrigation systems.

Low Production Cost: Innovative processes and direct sales channels provide competitively-priced soil boosters.

Discover The Benefits

Unlock the full potential of your crops with SoilPoint's ultra-pure humic-based soil booster. Experience higher yields, reduced input costs, and sustainable farming practices with our innovative solutions.

Improves efficiency of applied fertilizers
Supports microbial populations
Supports nutrient uptake
Improves conversion of applied nutrients to plant available forms
Prevents nutrient deficiency- based plant disorders
Enhances conditions for better plant establishment
Improves overall plant nutrition
Optimizes soil conditions for greater root mass
Increased tolerance to sodium (Na)

Soil Booster Market Versatility

Agriculture & Food
Soils, turf, forestry.
non-arable farmland

Land Reclamation
Accelerate the re-cultivation
of industrial polluted soils and
deforested land by restoring
productive soil conditions.
Increase the productivity
and safety of farm
animals, including poultry
and fish.

Improves the waste treatment process and lowers the concentrations of undesirable ions by properties of adsorption of lipophilic substances, including heavy metals.

Footnote References:

  1. Up to 75% humate purity. Each production batch tested for purity.
  2. Reduce your chemical inputs by at least 50%. Our agronomy team will make reduction recommendations based on your soil’s conditions.
  3. Estimated yield increases varies by crops, soils, environmental, and other conditions. Yield increases are not guaranteed.
  4. Based on current emissions from coal-fired power plants, we estimate that for every kg of SPSB used, we prevent 2.19 kg of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere.