Jun 28, 2024

Humic: The Soil Miracle Worker

Through death comes life!

When dead organisms decompose, they release humic chemicals, which have revealed themselves to be the saviours of our earth. Since humic substances improve soil quality, they have become a trendy topic in today’s agricultural circles, improving microbial activity, soil structure, water retention, seed germination, and more.

It’s getting personal

SoilPoint products are the most beneficial on the market due to their innovative humic technology. They are formulated using the optimal humic to fulvic balance to help growers achieve both yield and revenue goals. Soilpoint go personal with your soil to create the ideal formular for your specific needs.

And the benefits keep on giving!

SoilPoints specialists understand just what proportions to use for maximum biological stimulation, so you can keep saving money year after year while enjoying the advantages of giving back to the earth.

To find out more about how SoilPoint can be the saviour of your soil and help you reach your yield and income goals learn more

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